Apostolic Ministry
By apostolic, we mean the Universal Faith and practice once delivered to the Saints. It is important to have a continuity of belief, worship and authority with the Church that was founded upon Christ and the Apostles. The Holy Spirit has established and protected this heritage: Apostolic Creeds and Doctrine; Biblical Worship; Sacramental Spirituality; Historic Order of ministry. Our approach to God is not innovative. The healthy spirituality of the Christian is a balance of deepening devotion and glorifying, sacred worship that has been practiced by the Faithful for centuries.
Authorities, Declarations and Affirmations
This Church holds the Faith as once delivered to the saints, and as transmitted through the Church of England, especially as articulated in her Reformation heritage, the range of her Anglican divines, and as deposited in the founding principles of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Furthermore, this Church receives Holy Scripture as the Word of God. We affirm the three ancient creeds, commonly known as the Nicene, Apostles’ and Creed of Athanasius, the dogmatic definitions of the first four ecumenical councils of the undivided church and The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion in their 1801 form. Beginning with the Declaration of Principles at the time of her founding, this Church has adopted several doctrinal declarations and affirmations which are consistent with the above authorities.
Our Authorities
- The Scriptures
- The Creeds (The Apostles, Nicene & Athanasius creeds)
- The Church Councils
- The 1928 Book of Common Prayer
- The 39 Articles of Religion of the Church of England