St. Paul’s Anglican Church
Our church is a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church. We were organized in February 2003 with the goal of worshiping in the Anglican tradition upholding the authority of Holy Scripture, the traditional Book of Common Prayer and the Articles of Religion, to which all bishops and clergy in Apostolic succession subscribe.
“Our mission is to continue the old paths of the Protestant Episcopal Church as established through the English Reformers back to the ancient church of the Apostles and Jesus Christ.”
We follow the liturgical worship of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, which was produced originally in 1549 by the famous English Reformer, Thomas Cranmer. Our principal service is Holy Communion, sometimes called the Eucharist or Mass. We believe our calling as Christians is to worship as we were taught by the Church Fathers to gather as a corporate body in obedience to the Lord to partake of the one cup and one loaf called His Body and Blood. This Holy Communion transforms those who partake by faith into witnesses of Christ’s Death and Resurrection. The early Church was described as “continuing steadfastly in the Apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers”. We believe the “breaking of bread” is the service of Holy Communion. At St. Paul’s we welcome all brethren from different traditions baptized in Holy Baptism. We also continue the ancient practice of having our infants and children steadfastly observing Holy Communion with us.
We welcome you to click the links below to read more about these areas of our church:
- Our Apostolic Ministry, beliefs and standards
- Our Liturgical Worship
- Our Printing Ministry
The Reformed Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Reformed Episcopal Church stands for the beliefs and practices of the ancient, undivided Church. It is a parish of the Reformed Episcopal Church which was organized in New York City in 1873 by eight clergymen and twenty laymen who were formerly presbyters and members of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Many in the latter half of the 19th Century concluded that their beloved Protestant Episcopal Church had so dramatically changed that they had no alternative but to preserve the old Church through reorganization. The immediate cause of the division lay in the participation of The Rt. Rev. George David Cummins, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky in the Protestant Episcopal Church, (pictured) at a Communion Service held in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. In the face of criticism and with the conviction that the evangelical and catholic nature and mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church were being lost, Bishop Cummins issued a call to re-form the church. He became the founding Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, thereby maintaining historic succession of orders to this very day in the Reformed Episcopal Church.
Our Parish
We are a parish in the Diocese of Mid-America of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Find a parish near you here. We are governed and guided by the Reformed Episcopal Church’s Constitution and Canons.
Education and Theological Seminaries
Through the REC, we support these educational centers and semaries: RE Seminary in Philadelphia, Cummins Seminary in SC, and Cramner Theological House in Dallas
Our National Church
The Reformed Episcopal Church is a sub-jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.
Our Beliefs
To see we believe and our theological standards, please visit our “Apostolic Ministry” section.
Missions & Church Planting
We support missions and church planting throughout the world through the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Episcopal Church.
Our Parish
We are a parish in the Diocese of Mid-America of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Find a parish near you here. We are governed and guided by the Reformed Episcopal Church’s Constitution and Canons.
Education and Theological Seminaries
Through the REC, we support these educational centers and semaries: RE Seminary in Philadelphia, Cummins Seminary in SC, and Cramner Theological House in Dallas
Our National Church
The Reformed Episcopal Church is a sub-jurisdiction of the Anglican Church in North America.
Our Beliefs
To see we believe and our theological standards, please visit our “Apostolic Ministry” section.
Missions & Church Planting
We support missions and church planting throughout the world through the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Episcopal Church.