• on January 18, 2023

Shame and Boldness on the Day of Judgment (Psalm1:5)

Whether human beings believe it or not, we are all going to stand before Almighty God in judgment in order that we might give an account. The Scriptures provide us with many descriptions of that day and how people will react when the Righteous Judge announces his sentence. Psalm 1:5 tells us that the ungodly will not be able to “stand” in the Day of Judgment. In this sermon, Fr. Toms explains that though unbelievers think that if there is a Day of Judgment, they will stand proud and firm, not giving the least respect to the Almighty, their behavior on that great day will be entirely different than what they have imagined. The only way to escape the fierceness of God’s wrath is by becoming a member of the “congregation of the righteous” through faith in Jesus Christ. Part of the blessedness of the Christian life is knowing that on the Day of Judgment, we will be able to stand with boldness, for we will be found in Christ who died to save us from the wrath to come.

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