• on January 18, 2023

The Future of the Two Ways of Life (Psalm1:6)

Human beings are under the illusion that their sinful way of life will last forever. We think of all the great empires, nations, and civilizations, and it appeared, at the height of their glory, that their way of life would endure for ages to come. People in the United States think that the “American way,” especially its lifestyle of rebellion against God, is permanent and eternal. In this message, Fr. Toms shows that Scripture not only teaches that unbelievers shall will, but that their very way of life will come to an end. There will come a day when there will no such thing as a way of life that is contrary to God. Life opposed to God contains within it the seeds of its own destruction, and in the end, God will destroy all the paths that led to destruction. On the other hand, God has created a beautiful, permanent path of life for the Christian that will lead to Heaven itself, and when there, the believer in Jesus Christ will continue to walk in that blessed path described for us so beautifully in this first Psalm.

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