Isaiah begins his prophecy exposing the sinfulness of the people of the people Judah and Jerusalem. The book begins in a courtroom setting where God calls witnesses to demonstrate why these people deserve his wrath and indignation. In this sermon, Fr. Toms demonstrates from Scripture that God has so many witnesses that he can call to testify that human beings deserve his judgment and condemnation. Even on the day of final judgment, when we must all appear before God, there will be no shortage of witnesses to testify of our rebellion against God. Though no one will be able to object to God’s just condemnation, God has provided a way for us to escape his judgment. We must rely on the sacrifice of Christ alone who bore the wrath of God in our place. If we do, then Jesus Christ himself will appear as our witness to testify that we have been cleansed of our guilt by washing us in his own blood.
- on January 21, 2023
The Judge Calls His Witnesses: Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 1:2)–Audio Version
- categories: Sermons on Isaiah